Super “Cool” Vintage!
The view when first entering the store, showing the merch and featuring Ethan Lazanos, co-owner of the store.
Super Lame Vintage in Rexburg is anything but lame. Ethan Lozano and his brother
(Tavin Gneiting)
recently started this store here featuring crewnecks, t-shirts, denim and anything from the 80’s, 90’s, and the early 2000’s.
“We weren’t actually planning on owning a store. We used to only do popups in places like Utah, near the Boise area, and after deciding we chose to do them in places like Rexburg, Idaho and Southeast Idaho cause there is nothing like it,” Lozano said.
Even though they recently got a solid store up and running, they’ve been pretty popular for long before that.
“We’ve been doing this for a good two years, it’s what our instagram was based on. We were selling online for three months before we started doing pop-ups,” Lozano said.
Although they haven’t been wanting to own a store for long, they have really created their new space into their own.
“We weren’t planning on it until this spot opened and we went for it. It’s a small shop, but we put a whole month into it and started after that,” Lozano said.
Super Lame Vintage may have started online, but the Lozanos have dedicated themselves to making it about the community.
“Our store is based on the community. Just huge in the southeast Idaho community, sometimes we give out free clothing on our instagram, and we are planning on an event this month for the community, having some musicians come back and having some vendors in the back front of our store. Then when we hit 1k on our instagram, we will be giving away some shoes. We will also be doing a Super Smash Tournament, and whoever wins will get one hundred dollars store credit which is something we are planning on,” Lozano said.