The Clogging Queen
Samantha and her clogging team
Samantha Service is a junior at Madison High School. She has been clogging for six years with In-Step Clogging.
“My favorite part about clogging is that it helps distract me from my worldly problems. It is so fast paced that nothing else crosses my mind,” Service said, ” In order to be a good clogger, you have to have endurance, positivity, and the ability to feel the beat. If you can feel the beat you will almost never forget the routine.
This year, Service tried out for the professional team and made it. Now she is a part of two teams, Voltage and Diversity Pro.
“The reason I tried out for the pro team is because I wanted to be a part of the team that everybody else looked up to,” Service said.
It takes a lot of practice time and good memory to be a part of both teams. Samatha has to be able to remember routines from both. Diversity Pro is a champion team mixed with a pro team, meaning that the high champions and pro dancers are all on one team. Voltage is the team with exclusively pro cloggers. There are many levels of clogging that Samantha has worked through to reach the top.
Currently, Service is working on a duet with another dancer from the Voltage team. They will perform the routine at Nationals this May, which will be held in Utah. Service’s favorite memories usually come from the big competitions.
“The best memory is when my team scored two high golds at State last year,” Service said.
This means that the group performed perfectly in both of their routines. Her and all of the others were ecstatic. Including her teachers.
Service’s teacher, Kasandra Parker, is in charge of both teams that she is on. She has been choreographing and teaching Service for four years.
“Samantha’s greatest strength is her quick learning. As well as being a hard worker. When I tell her to fix something, she comes to practice with it fixed, unlike some of the other dancers,” Parker said.