Debate Meeting
Willford in front of the trophies his teams have won over the years. Willford is the debate coach for MHS.
Next Wednesday, September 29 there will be a debate meeting held during both lunches in room 403. If you are interested in joining make sure you go and learn about what debate is.
Mr. Willford, the speech and debate teacher, tells us what debate is because many people don’t know.
“Debate is formulating arguments and backing it up with evidence,” Willford said.
Joining debate is a way to argue with others over specific topics. Anyone that is interested in joining the team can.
“A lot of students have heard about the speech and debate program and some might even be interested. We want to make sure students understand they don’t have to be registered in any of our classes. Anyone can join the team, it’s wide open,” Willford said.
Anyone that is interested in joining the team is welcome to. They will talk about a few things at this meeting including what events are available to do.
“We want to let them know where they can find out when the tournaments are and what events are available. There are fourteen speech events in Idaho and four debate events. So there are a lot of different options that fit people’s interests. We also want them to know where they can sign up for tournaments. Unlike a lot of the sports teams, you can choose what tournaments will work for you and your schedule,” Willford said.