Wednesday Night Football
MHS Senior powderpuff team practicing before the big game.
The MHS Class of 2022 PowderPuff team is hoping to be back-to-back champs this Wednesday night at 7:15. The Sophomore and Juniors will kickoff at 6:00 in Bobcat Stadium to start the night.
Senior running back Whitney Wasden is excited and ready to play this Wednesday night.
“We have the same routine, defense goes and works with the defensive coaches and offense with offensive coaches and work on plays,” Wasden said.
The coaches are pushing them hard because they want to defend their title.
“They make us run up and back or make us go get the ball,” Wasden said. “We’ve been practicing for a week and a half and go until it gets dark.”
The Sophomores and Juniors play the first game but the Seniors are anxious to prove themselves.
“I wanna play the sophomores because we already beat the Juniors but it would be cool to beat them again,” Wasden said.