Too Early For Christmas
A Christmas tree in a family living room
’s November, which means it’s time for Christmas… wait, no, that can’t be right… is it? MHS students were asked what they think about people not waiting until December to start celebrating Christmas.
Stores have usually jumped the gun each year, setting up their Christmas deals midway through October. There’s a reason why this happens; if they don’t get it up then, there’s a chance they won’t ever. While there is a reason for stores, students are not stores, and don’t think the same way.
Senior Candace Walker said, “Before Halloween is usually when I think it’s too early. There’s just too many holidays in between it; it’s too far away.”
Setting up before Halloween is fairly common, but some people set up earlier than that. Some are completely fine with preparing far before even the largest of stores decide it’s time.
Senior Ketti Christensen said, “Well, we start listening to christmas music after Labor Day, but we actually set up right after Thanksgiving.”
For context, Labor Day is all the way back in early September, quite the extreme. Are there really any drawbacks for setting up too early? To some, setting up Christmas too early would take away from the holiday itself.
“If you start Christmas too early, then you can’t enjoy it. It just gets old by the time it comes,” Christensen said.
While some see setting up early as taking away part of the spirit of Christmas itself, others don’t think the same way. Instead, they’re fine whether or not people set up early or not.
“I don’t think so because you’re not really celebrating it, you’re just putting up decorations, but [it] just depends on the family I guess,” Walker said.
Even if you are one who sets up for the holidays earlier than others, it’s not the end of the world for you, and the world will still move on. Will people care if you do? Well, not really. Actually, many do not care at all about when you choose to start celebrating.
Walker said, “I don’t really care; it’s up to them. [I] kinda think it’s funny.”
This might seem surprising, but think of it in a different way. How much does it actually matter if people start celebrating Christmas earlier than others? What would change? For many, it’s not that much of a big deal in the end.
Christensen said, “I feel fine about it. I’m not offended or anything, but I probably wouldn’t do that.”