Tips and Tricks in Among Us (Imposters)


Crawling through vents, disabling communications, shutting off oxygen and blowing up a nuclear reactor; when you are an imposter in Among Us sabotaging your space vessel and taking out your crew mates, can be the most enjoyable part of the game. As long as you don’t get caught.

Whenever you play Among Us the computer almost always designates players as crewmates. Crewmates get to figure out with their team who the Imposters are. It’s enjoyable discovering imposters, but when it comes to being an imposter that’s when the true fun begins!

All three Juniors at our school Abby Park, Ella Mcomber, and Elijah Kisler share their experiences being the imposter, and some strategies they use for it.

“I usually vent somewhere else and then pretend like I’m doing a task or I will find a group of people and try to blend in somehow,”Park said. 

“I just wing it, and just say that I saw someone else venting or I call the emergency meeting first,” Mcomber said. 

Venting and pretending you’re someone else by calling emergency meetings (which gathers everyone for discussion) or either blending in with the crewmates is a smart way of hiding. 

Mcomber shares more strategies: “I’d normally sabotage, then call an emergency meeting, and then kill people just to keep it low key. 

Kaiser added, “As an impostor, obviously I’d kill them, and then I like to go overtop of them [to] hide the body, and just wait for the next kill.” 

Abby and everyone else are wearing witch hats. Right next to the emergency button. (Photo by Matthew Jeppesen)
Elijah got a stack kill and won later on as Imposter. (Photo by Matthew Jeppesen)

“My favorite [room] is the chat room where you like to talk to people, make fun of people, and roasting people, just having a good time joking around,” Park said. In the game Park added, “Definitely electrical, it’s easier to hide back there, and then you can lock the doors and you kill people.” 

Abby before playing likes to chat with the other players in chat before the game starts, and when it does, she likes to go hide in one of the other rooms. Electrical would be her choice playing Imposter.

Whatever your own imposter preference may be it is agreed that a good strategy is key to maximizing the fun among us.



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