
After an unusually long summer break, tomorrow all kids in Madison School district will begin classes again. Some students will be attending school online, while others will be back in the classroom. Either way, school is going to be different for everyone this year. 

Here at MHS the administration has come up with precautions they believe are necessary for students to stay safe. When walking in the halls please try and keep a social distance of 6 feet from one another. Students are strongly encouraged to wear masks while at school. Lunch will be split into two separate lunches so, make sure to check the pictures below if you aren’t sure what lunch you have. 

The school is constantly sanitizing everything. They are working to keep all students and faculty safe. If you feel sick at all please stay home. 

Now on to the fun stuff, all fall sports are in full swing. For updates and reminders about games please follow us on Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, TikTok and Twitter. @mhsbobcatbeat 

Welcome back to school! Stay safe and be smart! 

Monday-Thursday’s new schedule.
Friday’s New Schedule. (Photo courtesy of Madison School District )


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