Time consuming testing coming to MHS
Monday and Tuesday Schedule
Upcoming standardized testing for MHS students
The upcoming ISAT and SAT testings for MHS Sophomores and Juniors will take place April 9th and 10th. Students should be aware of the schedule.
“The ISAT is for all sophmores that will be April 9th and 10th. It will start at eight thirty in the morning both days, it typically goes until eleven thirty. Then there will be classes afterwards. The SAT is for juniors and that’s April 10th. That will start at exactly right at eight thirty and that one is probably going to go until twelve thirty. Both days there will be lunch and classes that’s a change this year,” Mrs. Hunt said.
Both tests are required to graduate from high school and the SAT counts as a college entrance exam.
“The ISAT is required by the state for all sophomores to take, it’s required for graduating. The SAT for the Juniors is required that or the ATC for college entrance exams. That is required to graduate for high school. The SAT is a benefit because it’s during the school day, it’s paid for so the student does not have to pay for it, and it counts as a college entrance exam,” Mrs. Hunt said.
For any student interest there is multiple ways you can prepare yourself for the exams.
“The ISAT, that is a state standardized test and it’s on the computer and there’s really no prep work that you could do. It’s pretty much testing you on what you’re learning right now at school. For the SAT you can go on to college board they do have practice questions. There’s a place called Khan Academy that will have practice questions. I also handed out those student guide books that have practice questions in there as well,” Mrs. Hunt said.
There are advantages in doing well on the testing.
“Specifically for the SAT the better you do the better chances for scholarships and college admissions. The SAT it gives you practice for the ATC. The ISAT, the benefit of that one is reviewing all of the knowledge you’ve learned, how well are you learning, and maybe what areas do you need to improve on. That’s really important to know as a sophomore,” Mrs. Hunt said.
There is also required supplies students need to bring for the testing.
“For the ISAT the sophomores need to bring earbuds or headphones. And for the SAT they need to bring an approved calculator and a number two pencil. When they come to take the test there gonna have to put their backpacks and cell phones away,” Mrs. Hunt said.
It is advised students really try and work hard during their time testing.
“You just wanna click rapidly through it but you want to try. The only person it benefits is yourself. To see how well your doing, and again it counts towards graduation,” Mrs. Hunt said.