Keegan Wolfe Visits the Capitol


President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence and the delegates for the United States' Senate Youth Program meet at the Capitol.

Senior Keegan Wolfe had the opportunity to go Washington D.C. for a week as Idaho’s delegate for the United States’ Senate Youth Program.  

“It’s a scholarship program that the Hearst Foundations funds and they help take two kids from every state and ship them off to D.C. to experience leadership and learn about foreign policy,” Wolfe said.

While visiting Washington D.C., Wolfe got to meet President Trump, Vice President Pence, and the First Lady. He even got the opportunity to speak to our President, Donald Trump.

“I was really lucky and I got to be right up front right next to the President and I got say hello. He was super nice. It was a fascinating experience and he is a really good guy. The whole experience was so incredible, ” Wolfe said.

A lot of people think things about our President that Wolfe says aren’t actually true.

“He’s not as orange as everyone says he is. Everyone says he’s orange like a Cheeto. But no, he has perfect complexion. And Melania touched his hair a little bit and it didn’t come off. His hair is real. That much I can guarantee,” Wolfe said.


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