Students Fight To Escape Finals
his picture features a junior advisory class working on their SAT applications. photo credit by: Keegan Andrus
With Thanksgiving around the corner, finals are the last things on students minds. And despite teachers encouragement to study and come prepared, students did everything but that.
“I maybe studied this morning, or the night before,” Senior Joseph Daugherty said.
“I played some 2K, went to bed late, didn’t eat breakfast, all the essentials,” Senior Dillan Egbert said.
“I didn’t do anything to prepare, that’s probably why I got an F,” Senior Nikki Gorton said.
And if forcing students to sit through 5 plus hours of testing wasn’t enough, the administration decided that letting students out after testing was against policy during Monday testing.
“Its ridiculous, I am flaming, this is the most ridiculous thing since we choked at state,” Egbert said.
The administration and staff had a different outlook on the matter.
“I would not let them leave early because then they just race through their test and they really don’t try,” Mrs. Miller said.
“I would not let them leave early because I obey the law,” Mr. Forbes said.
Many of the teachers agreed that finals at MHS are not very effective and are not taken seriously by students.
“I don’t think finals are hard to prepare for, I think that at that point, they don’t care. And I think the finals aren’t worth enough to make it worth a students time to really focus and knuckle down,” Mrs. Miller said.
“I don’t think one day should determine the rest of your grade, their grade should be based on their overall performance and how they did over the tri,” Mr. Forbes said.
With the failures and successes of this trimesters finals, teachers hope that students will realize the importance of studying before the end of the tri roles around. But chances are they probably won’t.
“Knowing me I probably won’t study next time. But I definitely should,” Gorton said.