Why is Homecoming Early This Year?
Kyler Clark gets the tackle in a game against Skyline earlier this season. Serious injuries can occur when head get tweaked the way it is in this photo. Luckily Kyler wasn't injured in this play. Photo courtesy of Upper Valley Standard Journal
By Brynn Castillow, Hannah Backstein, and Camryn Burrell
With homecoming starting the first full week of school, it can be a little crazy. So why is it so early this year? It all revolves on how the football schedule is made.
“It is definitely challenging to have homecoming be the first week of school. It’s changed a lot of different things,” Principal Mike Bennett said.
The Madison administration has known for over a year that homecoming would be the first full week of school. The next home game is during potato harvest. A lot of kids from Madison work during harvest. They wouldn’t be able to go. Also, there could be snow on the ground in October; which makes it hard for some of the homecoming activities.
“The first week and second week of school are home games.The second week of school is homecoming which was the best choice we had.The next home game was over spud harvest,” Athletic Director Shane Proctor said.
The football team only has four home games and five away games. Two of these are in the first two weeks of our school year. The homecoming game is against Idaho Falls. We have beaten them in the past.
The game schedules are set up into nine games per year. Every year is different, some years you can get six home games and only three away. That would mean that you’d get the three away and six home games the next year. It just depends on the cycles.
“Some years you have one more away than you have home and some years you have one more home than you have away and I think this is where you have one more away this year,” Football Coach Mitch Buck said.