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MHS Students Share Mixed Feelings About Disney’s New Beauty and The Beast

by Megan Wood and Rachel Balls

Much controversy has arisen with the recent release of Disney’s new Beauty and The Beast movie. We asked students of MHS what their thoughts were on the controversial issue.

Before the film was brought to theatres in Rexburg, it was released worldwide that Disney was introducing a supposed gay character in the film. This news caused one theatre in Alabama to restrict the showing of the movie and all children in Russia under 16 to be prohibited from seeing the film.

“I think it’s a big part of our society and it’s a big thing going on right now and if they want to incorporate that into the movie and include that group of people, against the stereotype, that’s up to them,” Sophomore Caleb Balls said.

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Senior Megan Wood and Senior Lottie Pickering at the 7:00 PM showing of ‘The Beauty and the Beast’ at Fat Cats Cinema 6.

Some students were not affected by the decision as they were not planning on seeing the film, but many were angered with Disney’s choice.

“I am so against it, when me and my family heard about it we were all disappointed and really sad,” Junior Brielle Hammond said.

Other students were disappointed about Disney’s decision but were still excited to see the film they waited so long for. Some students weren’t even phased by the announcement, and kept their enthusiasm for the release.

“I’m actually really excited, it’s gonna be super fun, I think it’s just a fun twist on the original show,” Junior Carson Meredith said.



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