The snow is starting to melt away and so is the road. We’ve all hit a pothole and it’s getting to the point where we all pray and hope we don’t mess up the car. Damages are expensive and it seems like the city won’t do much about it.

“I hit one like super bad on my way home and then I pulled into my driveway and looked at it and it was all wonky. It made a hole and bent the middle metal part,” junior Julia Kelley said.

 It’s such a struggle having to avoid potholes especially when you can’t go around them. With tires being popped, it also comes with alignment issues. You might notice that your steering wheel is going to the side when you’re supposed to be going straight. That’s your sign to go to a mechanic and get your alignment fixed ASAP. It can start wearing your tires out, causing your tire to pop.

 “I’ve popped two tires this month already,” junior Creed Carlson said.

If the city isn’t going to be doing us drivers any justice, they should be paying for damages. Getting from one spot to another is starting to become a hassle. The main road to get to school, University Boulevard, is getting worse by the day. The potholes are so deep and it’s getting to the point where you have to apologize to everyone in the car and the car itself. What sucks even more is the construction that’s gonna be everywhere in town in the future when they finally decide to fill them in. 

“I don’t know how some people haven’t popped a tire, especially the ones who hit them all the time. I see them go all the way down and continue driving like nothing happened. I just know the rest of the drive is silence and rethinking life decisions,” freshman Angel Hernandez said.

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