MHS Photography Students Share Thoughts on Senior Show


Senior Show presented by MHS photography class will be held on April 25, 2018 from 6 to 8 pm where they will display the pictures that they have taken. It will be an open house in the media center in the library. Students have taken photography class for 3 trimesters and they are taking everything that they have learned for the three years and combining it into one big project. You can see 9 MHS students’ masterpieces for free!

“The purpose of the senior show is to showcase all the seniors’ work. They had to choose the theme and come up with 10 varied images so it was a lot of work. They did it all by their own,” Mrs. Walters said.

The seniors described what their themes are and how hard it was to choose the theme. They also described how excited they are to show those to people.

“All my pictures are all based on the emotions of the people through their eyes, so I hope that they will have some emotions tie to them. I’m excited for people’s expressions and what they will see out of this. It was harder than I thought to prepare for this show, but it’s been good,” Senior, Jessica Sutton said.

It is their compiles for 3 years that they have spent and out the efforts in. Every pictures have the story and the student’s feeling.

“To prepare for it, I spent a lot of time thinking about what I want to do for my show, not what would be the coolest to other people. It’s combination of 3 years of hard work, so I’m excited to see how everything turns out. My theme is 10 lessons. It’s 10 pictures of 10 people who taught me different things in my life,” Senior, Hannah Bennett said.


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