BPA State Tournament


With BPA regionals out of the way, MHS BPA members start to prepare for state and the obstacles it holds.

Most students with BPA look forward to many things one of which is being able to compete in their events and support the other competitors.

“Being able to compete and support and have fun with the other BPA members,” Senior and BPA President Amy Mortimer said.

While some look forward to competitions and supporting other members, others look at the benefits that BPA has.

“I joined because I am interested in potentially going into a career in a business field, and acquiring those skills early,” Senior Christine Helfrich said, “I am most looking forward to seeing how I do on my event, and meeting other people my age who have similar interests to me.”

Many look for all the benefits BPA has to offer one of which is the aspect of running a business.

“I wanted to learn more about running a business because when I started BPA my plan was to start my own business someday,” Senior Natalee Willis said.

[Student Amy Mortimer after regionals gets spotlighted by the BPA state leaders]


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