
MHS students have many different traditions for the holidays. Some people go all out others, while others just kind of take it easy.

“We all get up at the same time meet down by our front door and have a big family prayer then after that we have a big breakfast with sausage, bacon, eggs, and pancakes,” Sophomore Hudson Skinner said.  

Most people just like to hang out and not really do too many things. Just hang out with family, watch movies, and eat delicious food.

“We go to my grandparent’s house and play all sorts of different Christmas games and we cook food like cookies and stuff. Then we eat them,” Junior Gage Halford said.

Some students go hang out with extended family. Like their grandparents or their aunt and uncles.

“We have a play about Jesus. Then we exchange gifts. One of my brothers usually plays Santa,” Sophomore Jacen Taylor said.   



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