
Somehow, every single day has at least one holiday attached to it. Students at MHS celebrate some, but there are many they are not aware of.

“I think there should be a national don’t go to school for any reason day. I think that would be a really fun holiday,” Junior Ethan Alba said.

Just like students would enjoy making their own holidays, others have done just that. Because there are so many, some find it hard to remember all of the holidays.

“It seems like there are a lot of these holidays, people kind of like to make up you know? So I feel like I would be celebrating something every day of the year,” Alba said.

There are some holidays that are popular in other countries and cultures. Celebrating these can help students learn about other cultures.

“We celebrate the chinese new year which is super fun. We just make like a buffet of different chinese foods. We celebrate the traditional things, we get the money for the new year and fortune cookies and stuff like that,” Junior Kari Koon said.

Food holidays are often more popular and easier to celebrate for students at MHS.

“I like basically all holidays involving food, like doughnut day and cheesecake day,” Senior Tim Jack said.

Some holidays are celebrated in the school. The math department goes all out for pi day on March 14 (3.14).

“As a math teacher Pi day is a must. All the math teachers offer extra credit for students who bring in pie, we usually get around 200 pies here in the high school,” Ms. Jacobson said.


Some of the Holidays coming up according to are:

November 3: Sandwich Day

November 4: Common Sense Day

November 6: Saxophone Day

November 7: Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day

November 10: Vanilla Cupcake Day

November 14: Pickle Day

[Teachers on pi day Math department celebrates pi day.]


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