How to lose a guy in 10 days

how to

At MHS relationships seem as though they are all about playing games, but it doesn’t have to be like that. Here is all the what NOT to do’s when talking to a guy.

“I really don’t like when girls build up someone else and then they say something really trashy about her,” Junior Caleb Muhlestein said.

As humans, competition is part of our natural being and we are always finding ways to be better than the other. Girls do this all the time without even realizing it. We build each other up just to tear each other down. In our heads this is a great way for us to look better when in reality boys really don’t like it.

“I hate when girls play games just to make you jealous,”  Mr. Forbes (school bachelor) said.

Lots of  girls get insanely jealous when a guy we like shows interest in another girl. When you’re trying to get a guy to like you, or if he is out of your league there is literally no chance that making him jealous will work. The movies make it seem as though this could be a good idea but like our school bachelor most guys don’t like it.

“A really big one is if you hear a girl swear all the time” Senior Tanner Cornelius said.




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