Students Take Learning to the Outdoors

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Environmental Solutions, or ES, is a class you can take here at MHS. Students taking ES apply to take the class at the end of the previous school year.   

“I had Mr.Ricks as an advisory teacher and he said it was a pretty cool experience so I tried it out and so far it’s been pretty cool,” Senior Ian Heup said.

This class offers a credit in Science, Math, English and an elective. Students who have taken this class feel like the skills they learned will help them in their future careers.     

“I would say it’s a really cool experience. Like what we are doing right now. We are learning how to set up a paper you would actually learn in college. We had a couple students from previous ES come and explain to us how doing this class actually helped them in careers they’re doing right now,” Senior Ian Heup said.  

ES pushes students and helps them learn outside of a classroom setting.

“I like the field trips and being able to explore and learn about the different types of flowers and trees,” Senior Caroline Bates said.  

This class is most popular among those who enjoy being outside.  

“I’m passionate about the outdoors and that’s what the class is about,” Senior Tate Rose said.



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