Students at MHS Become Landscapers


By Cole Johnston and Dallin Tew


The Come Alive Outside Project at MHS, is beginning to take shape as students learn about landscaping. Students use their imagination to create a better environment for others to live in.

“The come alive outside project is designed to help students get career readiness preparation, so these kids are starting to learn day-to-day stuff that a landscaper goes through,” Mrs Olsby said.

The Come Alive Outside Project is helping students discover what it means to be a landscaper.

“They go through the design process and then they actually implement the designs, so they get to draw up plans and put them into effect,” Mrs. Olsby said.

Students get to do many activities that teach them how to fix problems in our environment.

“Today we are working on amending soil. To amend soil means to fix it. Here in Rexburg we have a lot of clay and sand in our soil, which isn’t very good for growing plants, so we have to fix that ourselves by adding in different topsoil and manure,” Mrs.Olsby said. 


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