High Schoolers Accomplish More Than Just Surviving a School Day


by Brynn Castillow, Nohea Jensen, and Hali Rasmussen

With the new year coming up, many people are starting to think of their 2017 new year goals, especially students at MHS. Our students have a mix of serious, funny, and witty goals.  Although many students have a hard time pursuing their goals, they have differents ways of doing it.

 Courtesy photo Junior Lucy Hacking hold her scorpion pose
Courtesy photo Junior Lucy Hacking hold her scorpion pose


“My 2016 goal was to eat breakfast everyday, and I definitely didn’t do that every time {but} I got better at it,”  Junior Lucy Hacking said. “My 2017 goal will probably be to procrastinate less.”

A more serious goal was given by Sophomore McCall Dewey. Her 2016 goal was to be more grateful. She hung a note on her bathroom mirror that read, “Be grateful”. While getting ready for school, Dewey was able to remember to be more grateful. For 2017, Dewey wants to force herself to get out of her comfort zone.

“For 2017, I want to be more social and a talkative person,” Dewey said.

Senior Mason Bagley posing after a hike at Goat Lake
Senior Mason Bagley posing after a hike at Goat Lake

“My 2017 goal would be I think to spend more time with my family because I’m going on a mission soon and to accomplish that I think I’m going to spend more time like on the weekends to not hangout with friends and stay home with my family,”  Bagley said.

After hearing these few goals, we hope it will get your minds thinking. Make sure to look back on your 2016 goals and start planning your 2017 goals. Make 2017 better than your 2016 and Happy New Year!


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