October is cancer awareness month at MHS


by: Monica Franco

7.6 million people die from cancer each year. About 40,450 men and women die from breast cancer each year. Breast cancer is the second most diagnosed cancer, and is the second leading cause of cancer death among women in the U.S. Men and women can both be affected by this type of cancer.

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. To commemorate, thousands of people, including members of the NFL, honor breast cancer survivors.

One survivor is Maria Franco. She is a mother of four, who has lived in Rexburg, Idaho for more than twenty years. June 22, 2003 is a day she remembers vividly. This was the day that she was diagnosed with breast cancer.

“I was terrified. I thought I was going to die,” Franco said.img_0385

After learning to live with cancer, she realized that everyday is new chance. This experience has helped her learn to be a more positive person.

“If you’re positive and have a lot of hope, you will survive cancer,” Franco said. She overcame this obstacle in her life, and is now happy and healthy.

Britton Pugh is also a cancer survivor. He used to go to MHS. When he was diagnosed, the whole school district did fundraisers for him. They made shirts, wristbands, cars stickers, and many other things that said “Team Britton” on them. The community came together to support one of our students.

Cancer has probably touched everyone at our school some way or another. Use this month to help support those who are fighting this battle right now.


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