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Lukens Halloween costume this year


Wearing Halloween costumes is always a fun activity around Halloween, but it’s especially fun when you get together with your friends and do group costumes. No matter if you dress up alone, or with a group. Being somebody you’re not for a day is always fun. Some students even like to have a more humorous approach with their costumes.

 “I’m being a wicked [hotdog] this year for Halloween,” Sophomore Kayloni Luken said.

Some classes even do group dress ups for halloween. Ms. Shumway’s Lil Cats Preschool class is doing a class dress up on Halloween for their preschoolers.

 “My group is dressing up as princesses for the preschoolers, we think they will really like it and it’s a fun costume to wear,” Junior Sarah Chapman said.

A Lot of couples like dressing up for Halloween, some are very creative with their costumes.

 “ I want to be Alexander Hamilton and I want my boyfriend to be George Washington, so I can be his right hand man,” Senior Kennedi Morch said.

Lukens Halloween costume this year


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