Powderpuff is starting this week and the girls and coaches have been waiting all year for an epic game. This year they will also be playing freshman so get ready for a great competition.

“I would want to be either quarterback or wide receiver,” Sophomore Anne Madsen said.

Powderpuff is an amazing way to make connections.

“I just like hanging out with all of my friends,” Senior Megan Rydalch said.

While making connections with friends could be a main reason to play, for others it is a way to let out aggression.

“I’m good at powder puff and it’s the only time I can take my aggression out on other people without harassing others, and I’m most excited to beat the seniors,” Junior Brielle Nite said

Hailey Martindale, Sydney Archibald, and Sadie Cooper at the 2023 Powderpuff game.
Senior Laci Hymas running the ball to get a touchdown.


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