Oh What Fun!
Hot chocolate at Soda Vine. This is a popular drink during the winter!
With the Christmas season approaching quickly, it can be hard to find something to occupy your time with the chilly weather. However, many students find ways to interact with others by going on dates. Senior Olivia Richey shares a great idea for a fun evening.
“I’ve gone sledding before and we just pick a spot and go for a couple hours. Afterwards we will go and get hot chocolate and watch Christmas movies,” Richey said. “It’s always fun and everybody likes it.”
Senior Andrew Walker also gave us some insights of fun winter dates.
“Building a snowman is always fun or cutting down a christmas tree,” Walker said.
Gliding on the ice, Junior Calli Mahrt recommends going ice skating and then warming up with a nice warm mug of hot chocolate.
“I think going ice skating would be a super fun winter date and then going to get hot chocolate,” Mahrt said.