It’s that time again
Sophomore Karson McCay and his second buck he has ever gotten.
Hunting is so much more than going out and shooting the biggest buck you can see.During hunting season sometimes people don’t bring anything home at all. Sophomore Jacob Pennell talks about what it’s like going out and not bringing home a buck during bow season.
“We hunted elk and deer at the same time this year with our bows, and sadly we didn’t get anything,” said Pennell
With Pennell striking out this bow season, allowing him to hunt during rifle season as well, Pennell starts hunting again this weekend. Sophomore Karson McCay didn’t have the problem Pennell had, the first day out during rifle season McCay got his second buck ever.
“Opening day we woke up at around 5-6 a.m. and headed out to our hunting spot, we looked around for awhile when we spotted a four point buck. We saw it at about 7-7:30 before the sun came up. We chased it for about four hours, around ten miles. All the hiking wore me out so we headed back to the truck, on our way back we spotted a two point buck so I took a shot at it and got it, I shot it at 238 yards,” said McCay
Every time you go hunting you have to take a risk getting a deer or seeing nothing at all, some hunters go just for the rack on the animal but to most hunters it means a lot more.
“Hunting means to me, getting food on the table for my family and at the same time it’s fun because you are trying to get the biggest one,” said McCay
(Courtesy Photo)