Ripping Lips; A Rivalry
Mr. Ingram on one of his many fishing trips.
As the fishing season is underway, we interviewed two teachers here at MHS that are big anglers and are very competitive.
Fishing is a very popular hobby here in Idaho and a lot of the people here are very knowledgeable and particular about their fishing rods.
“I would much rather use a casting rod because it’s more versatile,” Ag teacher Mr. Bair said.
Mr. Ingram is also a big angler here at MHS. Ingram claims to be one of the best, if not the best, anglers here at MHS.
“I’m a very competitive person, I could fish against anybody, anywhere, anytime. They can choose the place, they can choose the time, they can choose a season, and I will kick their butts,” Ingram said.
When asked if he was calling anybody out, Ingram grinned.
“Nobody in particular. . . Mr. Bair!” Ingram said.
We asked Mr. Bair about what he thought about being challenged by Mr. Ingram.
“The last time I was called out like that was by a fly fisherman, I beat him ten to one,” Mr. Bair said.