Sidney Parker’s Varsity Debut


Madison High School sophomore Sidney Parker doesn’t play a lot of sports, but it seems like it. Playing on the varsity basketball and volleyball team doesn’t seem to leave a lot of extra free time. 

Parker started playing basketball in the fifth grade, she chose to play with an Idaho Falls league that would challenge her more and allow for better competition.  She played there for two years before she started school ball in the eighth grade.

She played on the  Madison freshman basketball team, then immediately jumped up to the varsity team this season as one of their post players.

Parker said that getting on the varsity team as a sophomore was pretty scary and there was a lot of pressure to do good. She wants to help others in that situation. “It was not fun,” she said. Parker has now gotten used the pressure and her new teammates.

Parker said she still has a long way to go, especially with getting shots up and scoring more points during a game. She works on that a lot in practice. To prepare for games, Parker said, “we watch games films of our opponents, we also have a jam out session and a prayer.”

Parker’s height allows her to rebound very well, and she said this is one of her strong points. Parker likes to play the post position because of the physical contact. She is very competitive and doesn’t often back down from the fight, so she’s always racking up fouls. Madison Head Coach Traci Peterson has to remind her to have good body language and stay upbeat during tough games.

Not all games are tough and physical, though. Parker liked their game against Shelley this season because it had low pressure and was relaxing just to play. Parker said basketball has taught her some life lessons like, “Never give up,” and “the importance of friendships.”

“Team bonding is an important element in having a strong team,” Parker said. She has had a lot of good memories while playing basketball.

Aside from basketball and volleyball, Parker likes to snowmobile and rodeo. Parker also raises steers to show in 4-H.

Basketball can be really hard sometimes with lots of practices and time away from home, Parker said. But she knows, to “never give up”, even though sometimes there are “butt chewings” for unknown reasons and practices where they have to run the whole time.

Parker has been glad to have basketball in her academic career, but at this point doesn’t have any plans to play at a college level after high school.  




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