Paintball Propulsion Instrument: Muller v Forbes


Behind the peaceful doors of Madison High, action and violence breaks out. This time it took the form of a “paintball propulsion instrument (PBPI) ” and teachers Mr. Muller and Mr. Forbes had a showdown.

“Mr. Muller and I have always challenged each other to a duel in his physics class,” said Forbes.

In this case, the duel involved paintball guns, or to be politically correct, paintball propulsion instruments. Either teacher stands at the opposite end of the West Hall while Mr. Muller’s physics class mans the paintball propulsion instrument. Each teacher a shield to protect their face other tender areas.

“We have one shot each and I totally smacked Mr. Muller on the arm and won the duel,” Forbes said.

This activity does have an educational purpose behind the entertainment. Students measure the impact point of each paintball, trying to find the muzzle velocity of the PBPI. They then take these measurements and makes slight adjustments on the paintball gun when needed. It was these adjustments that let Mr. Forbes nail Mr. Muller in the arm and leave a welt.

“It felt amazing and I want to do it again,” Forbes said.



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