Madison Has Motivation


With the school year in full swing, and the senior class settling down for yet another year of classwork, students at Madison High School struggle to find motivation.

“Sometimes the only thing that motivates me is that February 22, 2022 is a Tuesday, so it is literally a “2s”day.” Senior Kari Koon said. “But if I’m being honest, I find motivation through the success of others. It pushes me to be better.”

With stress being common among teenagers, it’s often best just to be happy with life.

“I want to be happy and I want to see others happy,” Junior Boston Jensen said.

While Students can find motivation seeing others succeed, teachers find motivation by helping their students succeed.

 “I get out of bed everyday because of you guys, my students,” Photography teacher Mrs. Walters said. 

With only three weeks of the school year finished, it is easy to lose your drive, so remember to stay motivated.


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