MHS Students React to Jacksonville Shooting


On Sunday, August 26, a gunman opened fire at a gaming tournament in Jacksonville, Florida. Three men, including the gunman, were killed and another ten were injured. This was a shock to the whole country, but more specifically the gaming community.

“I feel sad about it,” Senior Drake Rainey said. “{Things like that} shouldn’t happen.”

In the past two years, there have been three mass shootings in Florida alone. One happened at a nightclub, another place where people go to hang out.

“It made me feel pretty bad. Things like that shouldn’t be happening. I think there should be more background checks on {purchasing} guns,” Junior Alex Rasmussen said.

The gunman was in treatment for psychiatric issues since the age of twelve.

After being asked whether they feel safe doing stuff with their friends, a few students at Madison High School said they do. They associate it with the friends they hang out with, and where they live.

“{I feel} depressed,”  Senior Ryan Erikson said.  “I like playing video games, and I don’t want them to have a negative connotation.”



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