We don’t just Feed, We Lead


Not many people know what’s going on in the AG building.

“The FFA Chapter is actually part of a state chapter and then a national organization so the purpose of FFA is to educate kids in vocational skills, in leadership skills, and science skills through agricultural education,” FFA instructor Mr. Wetzel said.

The FFA team competes in competitions all year long.

“The beginning of the school year in August and September we have kids that compete with their show animals at the county fair and some of them compete at the Eastern Idaho State Fair in Blackfoot,” Mr. Wetzel said.

A lot of the students compete in different categories at the competitions.

“I did participate in the livestock competition however last year we won state so we went to nationals and we placed 20th, so because of that, I can not participate anymore. And I am participating in horse judging where you basically just judge horses,” Junior Owen Wetzel said.


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