Yeti or Not (1)

Students at MHS have the belief that Bigfoot lives. These beliefs come from experiences heard from others and ones they’ve had themselves.

“I believe until he’s proven that he doesn’t exist, he can exist,” Senior James Thueson said, who was bigfoot for Mr. Madison.

Lots of student at MHS have a belief like Thueson, where others believe they have seen him themselves.

“Oh he’s real. Let me clarify that. Bigfeet are real, a single bigfeet is a bigfoot, so bigfoot is real, but they travel in groups named bigfeet. I believe because I’ve seen him. I’ve seen him on two occasions,” Senior Keegan Wolfe said.

One of these times was a few weeks ago with a group of friends. The story is told that they were walking down railroads in St Anthony when they heard some “heavy breathing,” as Senior Adam Johnson said “saw two light bouncing up and down coming toward us fast,” and saw a as Keegan described a “dark furry something”. Although Keegan swears it was bigfoot Senior Adam Johnson says it was a bear.   

“ But it might not have been a bear, it could’ve been big foot,”Johnson said.

Not only do student believe but some our teachers do to.

“I went to Bigfoot days this last summer and bought myself a cast of a big foot that they assured me was real. I have irrefutable proof,” Mr. Muller said after demonstrating some Bigfoot grunts and howls.




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