
The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) is a program that was put into place by former president Barack Obama to give legal status to children brought to America by their parents. The new Trump administration has made a move to end DACA on Sept. 5 and many Americans are concerned about what the change will bring.

“What I know is that DACA is for youth attending school that are not legal but I think for the most part these students are wanting to be educated and are wanting to continue on in college and get a degree,” Mrs. Thompson said.

Anyone who is already under DACA still has immigration protection until their deferment is up.

“President Trump, he has recently stated that he is ending the program but the people who were already under DACA would still have their two years deferment. Once that is up there will be no more deferments,” Mr Reeser said.

With the program ending many people are afraid what will happen to those both directly and indirectly involved with DACA.

“There are a lot in industry that are worried about this because they’re worried about the people coming to do these jobs, that drying up. It’s going to scare people. It’s going to foster that feeling of fear that they’re going to be rounded up,” Mr. Reeser said.

Others believe that people are overreacting and that there will not be big changes when it is decided what to do.

“Obama himself affirmed that DACA was never supposed to be a permanent solution to naturalization for dreamers. Trump’s intent in repealing DACA is to shift Congress into drive and get them to uphold their duties- that’s why it has a six month wait time before it even goes into effect. To give Congress time to act,” Senior Keegan Wolfe said.       


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