
Throughout the years different hair styles have had their glory days. This year it seems like the long hair from the early 70’s has come back into full style and there are mixed opinions about it.

“I just haven’t cut it and it looks amazing,” Sophomore Joe Lundin said.

Some students just haven’t gotten around to trimming their hair while others have more motivation behind their long locks.

“My brother told me to grow it until he comes back from his mission. He has a year still,” Sophomore Brandon Lewis said.

Adults also have ideas of why they think these teenage boys choose to look different than others.

“I think they do it because number one, I think they think the girls like it and number two is because they want to be different than everyone else,” Mr. Wills said.

Some of the girls appreciate the recent styles of long hair.

“I honestly think it’s kind of hot,” Sophomore Hannah Bolingbroke said.

There are different views from females about the boys hair. Some have gone to lengths to get the boys to get rid of it.

“My mom hates it, she paid me twenty bucks to cut it but I said heck no,” Lundin said.

Teachers do not think this style will last long.

“I think it’s a fad right now or laziness. They just don’t want to go get their haircut,” Mrs.Miller said.

Some teachers recall when they were in high school, when long hair was also a trend.

“I grew up in the 70’s so everybody wore long hair, there was always some kind of rebelliousness. To say that I didn’t do those same things would be lying, but I look back on it and realize now I was an idiot then. I guess we as adults don’t want kids to make the same mistakes we did but it doesn’t mean that they’re not making them.” Mr. Wills said.


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