Lounging at Lunch

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Ms. Ward doing Yoga with her mythology class out in the sunshine.

By: Rachel Balls and Madison Burrell

As the temperature rises, so does the amount of students at MHS that eat outside, leaving us to wonder what entices so many students outside.

“It feels good to be out in the sun and to watch the volleyball. And get outside and to get some exercise,” Sophomore Camryn Burrell said.

While many enjoy the sunshine during the day, students eat outside for many various reasons. Some students even started participating in a volleyball tournament to make the most of the warm weather.

A lot of students enjoy the social aspect of being surrounded by so many fellow students and teachers.

Who wants to eat inside with like 3 people when you can eat outside, and it’s like Jesus with the 5 thousand. Except you are not eating fish and bread,” Junior Sam Chambers said.

Teachers are also enjoying the sunshine and holding classes outside instead of in stuffy classrooms.



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