Distinguished Young Women 2018 Recap


by Genna Waldron and Konner Jackson

Each junior girl at MHS has the opportunity to participate in the scholarship program, Distinguished Young Women. The program was held on February 4, 2017 and 25 of MHS’s Junior girls participated.


This scholarship program consist of everything from high heels to scholastics, interviews to push-ups and talents galore. All 25 girls have their different experience throughout the DYW program. Some are nervous to tears and others are pumped and not stressed at all.


“I was actually never stressed about it,” 4th Runner up Brooke Hammond said.


There were 25 different girls with 25 different talents and only four girls received the $500 talent award. There were many talents such as balance beams, clogging, singing, piano and more. The talents that won were, piano, singing and violin. Alissa Dorman, Krystel Mickelsen, Lauren Ollerton and Ellie Anderson received these awards.


Have you ever done a push up while smiling? Without choice all 25 girls have done countess smiling push ups, but Olivia Marshall, Brooke Hammond, Ashlyn Zollinger and Alissa Dorman won the fitness award.



Throughout the entire program each girl chose one girl that they want to receive the “Spirit of DYW” award, and this year the girls chose Sarah Crawford to win the $300 award.


Before the night of the program the interview and scholastic were already judged. The girls worked for weeks on their mock interviews and finally were judged. The girls who received the $400 interview award were: Catherine Cardon, Roise McKamey, Navie Jensen and Lauren Ollerton. The scholastic award was based off of girls who have good grades. The $500 scholastic award was, Jayley Griffin, Alissa Dorman, Ellie Anderson and Abigail Reeser.


Dresses can come in different shapes and sizes. The self expression dress in DYW makes each girl unique. Self expression is judged on their dress and the on stage question. The girls who won the $250 award was, Lorien Smith, Rosie McKamey, Lauren Ollerton and Baylie Kivett.  


Be your best self award is the award given to the girls who turned their money in on time, helped out and came to practice early. The $200 award went to: Maegen Brown, Lucy Hacking, Molly Kennedy, Brielle Hammond and Kalliane Thueson.



Brooke Hammond was the $600 4th Runner up. The $700 3rd Runner up was Ashlyn Zollinger. Lorien Smith received the 2nd Runner up award of $800. The $1000 1st Runner up winner was Lauren Ollerton and Madison’s Distinguished Young Women of 2018 with the $1600 was Alissa Dorman.


As you can imagine, countless hours of practice were put into the program. Fitness routines, individual talents, and smiles in heels were all rehearsed to a “T” throughout the two months leading up to the big night.


“It was so much work,” Madison’s Distinguished young woman of  2018 Alissa Dorman said.


Practices were early and long, not mentioning the time and effort it took to practice individually and pick out the perfect dresses and outfits. However, all the work put in before the program made it enjoyable in the end.


“I was just stoked,” is how Hammond described her feeling of being on stage, “especially in fitness, I had a blast”    


“For me personally I worked my guts out preparing for my talent, I would get up early before school and go practice and I practiced during 4th hour,” Dorman said.    



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