Super Bowl Predictions & Traditions of MHS Students
Sophomore Stephanie Stumpf and Freshman Savanna White waiting for the 2015 Super Bowl to start with their dad. Photo Courtesy Savanna White
By Kim Stager and Emily Stumpf
The playoffs leading up to the Super Bowl have put team against team in the football fight of the season to make it to the ultimate game on Sunday. The Falcons and the Patriots are the two teams that will be competing against each other in the Super Bowl this year. Some people are rooting for the Patriots and some are rooting for the Falcons, but not everyone is rooting for both teams. Traditions for the big Super Bowl game can range from dressing up to making a favorite snack. Coming together and spending time with family and friends on Super Bowl Sunday can either be an icebreaker or a fight in the making.
“Back when we lived in Arizona, we [would] go and watch it at someone’s house and usually make guacamole and chips,” Sophomore Andrew Crawford said.
Although the Super Bowl is a major event in most of the U.S., not everyone values it in quite the same way. Some people go all out and dress up, but some, like Crawford, just choose to sit on the couch and munch away.
“We make fun of when people make a big deal out of it,” Junior Caroline Bates said.
Some students at MHS aren’t too big into the Super Bowl, but they can get a big kick out of the people that are. Bates likes to watch the commercials although, she has not seen any of the 2017 commercials yet.
“We just go to our grandma’s and watch it,” Sophomore Tofik Haws said.
The Super Bowl is one of the largest sources of entertainment for American citizens for various reasons. Some people like to admire the physical stature of the football players, others create memes of memorable moments, but all around, the Super Bowl is about winning.
“It’s fun to watch them win,” Junior Cameron Webster said.
Watching your team win can be exciting. It gives you the bragging rights to talk to others about it at school or on social media.
“I do believe the Patriots are going to win. I’d rather have Atlanta win, but, I mean, I think the Patriots are going to take it,” Senior Jake Rammell said.
Rammell has the strictest confidence that the Patriots are going to take home the Super Bowl trophy, even though he would rather have Atlanta win. We will see which of the two teams takes the win on Sunday.
“You gotta know what happens. It’s important. You gotta know, like when you go back and your team won, you just gotta tell all your bros. ‘Cause, yeah. It’s important,” Junior Joseph Jones said.
Make sure to grab a friend, a bowl of chips, and the couch and watch the Super Bowl this year.