Classics making a Comeback
By Konner Jackson, Rachel Balls, and Anna Shirley
With Netflix and Hulu, TV shows have become increasingly more popular. But with a sense of nostalgia, recreating old series has been the peak of interests in the eyes of many viewers. Thus bringing an entire list of tv show spinoffs that have beautifully preserved the feel of the original show.
Of these TV shows, Spin-offs of The Bachelor and The Bachelorette seemed to be most popular. People of all ages gather around the television to watch the drama caused as single adults search for love on reality TV. Because of the success of this show, spin-offs begun to pop up. Shows including The Bachelor Pad and Bachelors in Paradise.
“The best part is how they keep the same people you were able to get to know on the main show” Senior Justin Weiszhaar, a Bachelor enthusiast, says about the spin-offs of the original show.
Another fairly well known spinoff would be for the parent series Avatar: The Last Airbender, and the spinoff is The Legend of Korra. Though targeted towards a younger age group, these shows have also captured the attention of many high school students with its deeper topics.
“They really did a great job with the spinoff. Not many television shows can successfully create another series based on a previous one, but the creators really made it so it was almost a continuation of the first series,” Junior Brielle Hammond said.
As many may have come to know, a childhood favorite, That’s so Raven, is making a comeback. The details are still under wraps but many sources say it’s going to feature Raven Baxter (aka Actress Raven-Symone) as an adult with her children. The release date has not been released yet but the actual tv show has been confirmed.
“That’s So Raven was my childhood. I’m excited for it to come back.” Junior Kamryn Jaramillo said.