National Honors Society
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by: Nathan Powell
Dallon Miskin, president of the National Honors Society, NHS, goes into detail explaining what the program is all about.
“NHS is a club for juniors and seniors and we focus on four things. We focus on scholarship, leadership, character, and service. It’s more of a service club, so we look for opportunities to serve in the school. ” Mrs Nycamp said.
Dallon told us that a GPA of 3.5 or higher is needed to be apart of the club. Also an application is needed. But it’s not like a job application. The application is, you show up to either Mrs. Hart or Mrs. Nykamp with your GPA and let them know you are interested. Then they decide whether or not you can join.
“I applied to be part of the council and from the council; thee two advisers, Mrs. Nykamp and Mrs. Hart chose which of us would be service representatives for the executive council so President, Vice president, and so on.” Miskin said.
Dallon just so happened to get chosen to be the president of the club.
Being a part of NHS has it’s benefits. It looks good on resumes and college applications, even if you aren’t applying for colleges yet. When you start it’s something that will catch their eye and make them more interested in having you with them.
“NHS does help you apply for colleges. Being on the council shows that you are willing to take a step that most people weren’t going to. I’d always encourage people to put it on their resume because it looks good and it shows that you’re a decent person. People like to hire decent people.” Dallon said.