10 Things I Wish I Knew as a Freshman
What happens on the last day of school when the seniors are gone? Sophomores and Juniors take over the stair case to sign yearbooks. So long to the class of 2016, here comes 2017!
Story by: Hannah Liddiard
- Your GPA matters. Even though you are still technically at the Junior High, the grades you earn will follow you throughout your high school experience. Even though it seems so far off, your grades determine your future college career.
- Get help. Don’t be afraid to ask your teachers for extra help. It’s part of their job, and if you make the effort, teachers are more willing to be lenient with your grade.
- Take college credit. Most of the AP classes are also dual enrollment, so you’re still learning at an accelerated level. But with dual enrollment, you don’t have to take a brutal test. And with the new grants and scholarships available, you can get almost all your schooling paid for by taking college credit in high school.
- Watch out for scholarships. Do this as much as you can. Most scholarships are only for juniors or seniors, but keep your eyes open and start the process early! Keep your grades up and continue to work hard so when the time does come, you’ll be ready.
- Get involved. Your high school experience will definitely be more enjoyable if you get involved in clubs that you enjoy. There’s really plenty of clubs for you to choose from and it’s a great way to make friends!
- Try hard to enjoy yourself! After all, high school only happens once. It seems like the four years crawl by, but once you get to your senior year, you realize how fast it was.
- Drama is going to happen. Don’t let it ruin your time. Friends will come and go, but it isn’t the end of the world. Keep your head up and continue on!
- Get your hard classes over in the beginning of the year. You find quickly that your motivation quickly diminishes the closer you get to graduation. Do yourself a favor and get your core classes over with!
- Don’t procrastinate. It’s so easy to keep pushing assignments off until the day they’re due, but it’ so important to do things early. It’s better to be ahead then to be behind! Practice now before you’re a senior and have to deal with Government class and the ultimate doom…. Project Citizen.
- High School won’t last forever. Even though it feels like it’s impossible, High School will come to an end. Just keep looking forward and do all that you can to make yourself happy!