Idaho Pays for College
Idaho's Go On program brings new incentives to further education after high school.
Next year, all Idaho students, starting in 7th grade, will be receiving $4,000 for college courses and AP tests. New Idaho legislature has combined funds from all dual enrollment programs, which previously helped high school students but weren’t fully utilized.
The state of Idaho will match the money high school students spent for dual enrollment classes, up to $2,000. This money can only be used for public colleges in Idaho.
“Very few [high school] students used the money available for college credit. This is part of Idaho’s push for students to ‘go on’”, said counsellor Miss Gee.
Even with the new money available, it doesn’t seem to be Madison students’ plans for the future. They have already planned for post-high school education.
“[The new funding] makes high school easier, and I’m using it right now. But it’s not affecting my college plans…I’m still going to BYU-I,” said Junior Alyson Cheney.
Madison has a higher than average Go On rate than the rest of Idaho. Between 80-90% of students graduating from Madison will go on to some kind of secondary education. This is higher than even the national average.