Clay Creations
Gehmlich's favorite sculpted animal
Most students only get a chance to take so many electives, so is ceramics worth your time. Here’s what ceramics students said about the class.
“The class is really chill and I love to make things with my hands. I’m taking a couple of hard classes this trimester so it’s nice to have an easier class where I can do what I want and make fun stuff,” Junior Douglass Flann said.
Everyone agreed that the class has a laid back, relaxing feel.
“I like how much freedom we get but we’re still guided by the teacher to help us make whatever we want,” Junior Carter Gehmlich said.
With help from the teacher, students can make whatever they imagine. From what students said, this class could not be more highly recommended.
“My favorite part of the class is making super duper silly awesome stuff,” Junior Michael Carpenter said.