I’m Back, Baby!
Hazel Paul Band photographed by Aedin Pope 9/6/22
It’s been a while (5 months, I just checked.) Who knew that running a music venue would swallow my free time just as much as it chews at my brain cells?! So, in an effort to further put off completion of the many late online creative writing assignments that are piling up, I figured now is a good time to dust off my laptop and dig through my notes app for my Wix password. Anyway, the point is I’m back and I suppose I have something to say.
A few weeks back my band recorded an EP (which is like a short album) and it’s set to come out late May or early June. It features 4 songs written by moi and performed by my band and me. We’ve all put a lot of effort into these songs and I’m really proud of them. I thought I’d share a little about each song and playlist of songs that have inspired and influenced my music.
Hot Water: The lyrics in this song are silly and the overall vibe is very fun. Starting with an airy intro then coming together with a short “drop” of sorts, this song contrasts silly lyrics with a punch-you-in-the-gut chorus. Fun fact about the title of this song: my band and I always say it in a british accent (like “ho’ wa’oh.”)
Untitled: It does have a name. Or maybe I should say it will have a name. At this point we haven’t decided on it. But seriously, this song is so good. It starts with this great tom-heavy drum part that I get stuck in my head all the time. Hopefully this song will get stuck in your head one day.
Up In The Air: This one’s about how I hate air travel– is how I usually introduce this song. Is it really about how much I dislike all things airplanes? No, but it is about my fear of abandonment. So isn’t that just lovely?!
Ascendo: Yes it’s a silly name, but the same could be said for 90% of Hazel Paul Band songs. “Ascendo” is the oldest song on the EP and is– I say this about every song– my favorite. For this one, I’m actually proud of the lyrics that I wrote: a rare occurrence for me.
If you made it this far, congrats. As a treat, here’s a playlist of songs that have inspired and influenced Hazel Paul Band (when I say “treat” I mean that sarcastically there’s a good chance you won’t like any of this playlist.) Savor this moment because who knows?! Maybe I won’t write again for another 5 months!