examples from last year
Calling all MHS seniors of 2023, the yearbook team has gathered a special opportunity for you and your family. For varying prices, your parents can purchase a senior ad. What exactly does one of these ads entail though?
“Senior ads are a section in the back of the yearbook that the senior parents make, saying ‘Congratulations for graduating! You made it!’. It’s just a cute little last hooray of highschool for the seniors,” Yearbook Editor Camry Stanford said.
Not only are these ads a fun memoir of your last year of high school, but they are personable to you directly from your parents. But let’s say your parents have an idea but don’t have the tools for the execution. We have this covered too.
“Editors are doing a thing where if parents can’t or do not want to design them, they can send in the pictures and what they want to say in them and us editors will design it for them for an extra five dollars,” Stanford said.
Now to answer the most important question, how much will these ads cost? We have the answer for that too!
- Eighth of a page – $60
- Quarter page – $115
- Half page – $225
- Whole page – $350
So tell your parents, let them know. Get this wonderful piece of your life documented. You will not regret it! But you MUST get/buy them by February 14th! So get busy and start talking, for this is one senior experience you will not want to miss out on.
“It sounds cheesy right now but when you look back in thirty years, you’ll be saying you are so glad your parents got you that. It’s a kind memory. And it’s definitely worth the money. It’s another whole level of appreciation to your seniors.” Stanford said.